Thursday, January 31, 2008

Odds and Ends

I´m actually writing on this thing! It´s amazing considering I have been trying to write on this thing for the past couple of days. So yes. We fineshed with our work for the day around an hour ago. We had our snack and now we are on the computers emailing and chating with home. nice.

Work has been going well. Although there are some times that it does get intersting. Like the time I got hit in the face...yeppers. I have learned never give a big stick to Daniel. Oh, you want the story? Ok. Well Rachel and Daniel had cut down a lot of sticks (you might call them bamboo...and they had the tendency to be around 10 or more feet tall) the day before and we were cleaning it up the next day. So there I was, minding my own business and doing what I was suppose to do. Cleaning up the sticks! And out of no where...BAM, smack, and boom! A stick right across my nose. There a couple of feet away was Daniel, holding the stick that make all that lovely noice. With my nose pounding, I reached up there to feel it and to see if I could feel the damage. And what do you know? Yeppers, it was bleeding. Not quite gushing...well not really gushing at all but there was blood. There I am with tears in my eyes and blood coming out of the top of my nose, not sure what to do. I finally get the bright idea to go and look in a mirror and see the damage. Well to make a long story short, my nose was turning black and blue but luckally I was able to put ice on it and that stopped the swelling and the lovely colors. My nose has been healing nicely. And that is basically the story of the stick across my nose. Although I have to say that Daniel would probably tell the story different, saying it wasn´t all his fault. He would tag Elizabeth with some of the fault since the stick first got stuck on her and then hit me. But I will leave you to deceide who´s fault it is and I will leave you with that! Well leave this section of the post that is.

I also wanted to talk a little about the food that we have over here. Some of it´s the same as in the U.S. but most of it is different. I have to say the weirdest thing I have eaten is probably some pepers. What´s weird about pepers right? Well green and red peppers that are cooked and then chilled are quite interesting. They wouldn´t have been that bad if they had been warm but cold peppers are a little hard to down. :) But basically the food over here is wonderful! We have had pizza, chicken, ham, pasta, salads, soups, eggs, wonderful bread, and a ton of other things. They make wonderful sandwhiches over here! But one of the best thing is the fresh fruit that they have. Kiwi, bananas, apples, pears, strawberries, and many more. The jucie over here is also wonderful. Zuma de piña y uva is probably my favorite of all. Pineapple and grape. Yummy! Although they have a wonderful drink that is basically liquid yogurt! Although when our host dad tried to say liquid...he says leaky. Which is alway fun to hear. It´s a big joke now at our house. Leaky yogurt! Yummy!

Well I do believe I will leave you with that.


Anonymous said...


I love the blog! I especially loved the video! You need to put some more videos up....nice work to whoever put it together. The toilet story (of Rachel's) and the "leaky yogurt" made me laugh. :-) I am so glad you have the opportunity to be studying in Spain...I am jealous of you! :-)Soak in all the experiences you can.

Luv u lots,
Your sis, Kippy

Anonymous said...

Thanks so much for the blog! It is really neat to read your stories, see the pics, and then to watch the video. Love your smile on the video! How neat to see the combo of learning and helping to encourage the church by being God's servants. Makes me wish I could be there with you! Take lots of pics, write down as many memories as you can (they soon fade)and enjoy your time as much as you can! Oh ya, and study hard too!
Lub ya lots,