Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Modern Málaga and some Old Stuff

This past Saturday (our last in this town) Eliel invited us and the Allensville group to tour some of the places in Málaga which we hadn't seen yet. First we went and saw the Málaga Picasso Museum which had a number of great Picasso works and pictures of him as an old man. Then we went to the Picasso homestead museum which had pictures of Picasso as a little boy—the little boy pictures were much nicer than the old ones. In the end, most of us declared that when Picasso was painting clothed people he was a pretty cool painter. Not all of us admitted this, but I´m sure everyone was thinking it in their heart of hearts.
Later that day we went and visited the Agricultural and Cultural Museum of Málaga. Mainly it was really old things all displayed very nicely. It was pretty awesome, I thought. There was even a chicken egg incubator made by the Buckeye company of Springfield, OH. Go Bucks! Anyway, moment of state pride there. The Allensville folks seemed to like this museum better than the Picasso ones because a number of them are farmers or mechanics or construction people and they enjoyed seeing the differences and similarities between the tools they use and the ones used back in the day in Málaga.
Later on we had some free time and a few of us went and saw the Málaga Cathedral which is a rather interesting building because it was built to have two steeples in the front but one was not finished. Interestingly enough, and here´s the interesting part, the steeple was not finished because the Spanish government decided to take the money and send it to the United States to fund the revolutionary war.
Anyway, the United States had an impact even here and today we´re continuing that impact, just in a slightly less violent and disruptive way.
- Daniel

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